A Beginner’s Guide to Group Exercise Classes

Group exercise classes are a staple offering at leisure centres, but for newcomers, stepping into one can be daunting. This guide aims to provide practical tips and advice to help beginners navigate and maximise their experience in group fitness settings.

Understanding Class Variety

Leisure centres like ours offer a variety of group exercise classes, catering to different interests and fitness levels. Common options include spin, yoga, HIIT, and dance-based classes. Before attending, take some time to research the available classes and consider your fitness goals and preferences.

Choosing the Right Class

Selecting the right class is key to enjoying and benefiting from your group fitness experience. If you’re looking to improve cardiovascular health and endurance, consider classes like spin or HIIT. For stress relief and flexibility, yoga may be the perfect fit. Choose a class that aligns with your goals and interests. All of our group exercise classes and details can be found here.

Arrive Early

Arriving early allows you to familiarise yourself with the class format and equipment. It also gives you a chance to introduce yourself to the instructor and ask any questions you may have. Aim to arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the class starts to ensure a smooth transition.

Communicate with the Instructor

Don’t hesitate to communicate with the instructor before or during the class, especially if you’re new or have any concerns. Let them know about any injuries or limitations you have, so they can provide modifications or alternative exercises as needed. Most instructors are happy to offer guidance and support to newcomers.

Listen to Your Body

One of the most important tips for beginners is to listen to your body and respect its limits. It’s okay to take breaks or modify exercises as needed, especially if you’re feeling fatigued or experiencing discomfort. Push yourself, but not to the point of pain or injury.

Stay Hydrated and Fuelled

Remember to stay hydrated before, during, and after your group fitness class. Bring a water bottle with you and take sips throughout the session, especially if it’s intense or lasts for an hour or more. Additionally, fuel your body with a light snack or meal an hour or two before class to make sure you have enough energy to perform your best.

Enjoy the Experience

Above all, remember to enjoy the experience! Group exercise classes are a great way to improve your fitness, and also a fun way to workout. Don’t be afraid to let loose, make friends, and celebrate your progress along the way.

By following these practical tips, beginners can navigate group fitness classes with confidence and make the most of their leisure centre experience. Whether you’re a regular gym-goer, or stepping into an exercise class for the first time, remember that everyone starts somewhere, and the most important thing is to keep showing up and putting in the effort.

You’ve got this!




Meet Rachel Cartwright - Our New Health & Wellbeing Manager